10 tracks of folk goodness!
We are very excited about having this album completed. Tub, Dusty and I have been having a lot of fun playing these songs city to city, and now we are really proud to have these songs in album format. We recorded in Clearwater Florida with our buddies at the Ghost Motel. The Ghost Motel has a really awesome YouTube channel that highlights a lot of underground music in the USA, and they have a good amount of videos of our good friends we have all met along the way.

I’d like to thank you 🙏🏼 very much for keeping the art of spooning alive!!! You are absolutely phenomenal at what you do and very eloquent when you speak to people as well…to me you are the true definition of a lady!!!!! Your playing reminds me of the days when I was a child and my parents, grand parents, uncles and aunts would gather in the kitchen and make music 🎶 together while we all danced and laughed the night away!!!! No technology needed! Just pure music 🎼 and the love of being together as a family and you my beautiful lady have revived that in me…THANK YOU!! I’d love to get to know you more as you appear to have so much to teach others besides your phenomenal spoon ability… your eloquent beautiful nature shows when you speak to people and you’d be amazing as a speaker!!! Keep up your AMAZING work!! God has certainly put you in this earth 🌍 to show people that loving each other is most important!!! You go girl!! You’re a true INSPIRATION!!