Spoons Lessons

We are doing SPOONS LESSONS!!

You can sign up by clicking the link below! below!


Hello fine folks!  The Spoon Lady is going to have a musical spooning class!  What will you need for the class?  Two seperate spoons, and yourself.   I find that slightly heavier spoons work best for me, and make sure you get spoons that you’re okay bending a bit… not grandma’s good silver.  My spoons are steel, but yours do not have to be. You will recieve as part of your ticket a “How To Play Spoons” book in .pdf format, and a link to your upcoming lesson on Zoom.   

We are going to start with scheduling a few hour long lessons for now, and we’ll add more as time goes on. If the dates listed do not work for you, there will be more lessons to come in the future. Do not hesitate to request a certain date, just let me know by dropping me a note on the contact page.